Day 23, Post Chemo Day

Day 23

Post-second-chemo day 1. I slept hard last night. I awoke and couldn't remember what day it was... Friday. Still had to get the girls up and ready for school. The twins were moving slowly, so Daddy took Merus to school and I got the twins ready and somehow, made their breakfasts and lunches and we got them to school and dropped off, without a single yell or tear... THAT was a victory.

I wanted to go for a walk so bad, but I wasn't feeling so great and I had to gulp down my pills and then get ready to go to St Louis for my Vit C appointment, so I failed on the walk... ((boo for me... I have REALLY wanted to get myself moving post chemo days and two days in a row, I missed))

We went to St Louis for IV Vit C... it is not fun for me... but I truly think this is helping me. My WBC count and my platelet counts were HIGHER at my appointment yesterday than they were when I started... and I think the Vit C is boosting my immunity... and it is cancer fighting too, so I really make it a point to get it done post chemo, twice a week. I always feel sickly immediately after, so Russ and I get our ritual lunch at Panera post Vit C... but it takes forever and we leave the house at 11 and don't get back until 5... a whole day gone, just to get an IV.

Home at 5 and on the couch. We watched, we ate, we played in the play room... and then I put the twins to bed.... Easy Margaux, asleep in 5 minutes and then crazy Ellis... takes an hour. I was so tired tonight, I laid in her tiny bed with her, not to really snuggle (there is no room) - but to BLOCK her from climbing out. Finally, I think I fell asleep first and she really had no choice... so she was asleep too. I tiptoed downstairs at 10:16 and sweet Merus and Daddy were fast asleep in our bed. So I took my meds and jumped on here.

The picture I took above, is real-me, post-chemo day 1... wearing my bandana on my head, to cover my thinned hair, red-faced from the chemo meds, leaching out into my face, swollen from the fluids yesterday and today... wearing my FIGHT like a girl shirt... tired from sleeping in Ellis' tiny bed... ready for the day to end.

I am taking my nausea meds, taking my steroids, taking my Pectasol and glutamine and Vitamins B6 and B12 and lipoic acid and N-acetyl cysteine, to prevent neuropathy... my cimetidine to prevent bone mets and my Melatonin to prevent myelosuppression (Yay! That is working!) and my Vit D, 10,000 units a day, to prevent cancer recurrence. I have it down to a science now, what I take and when... but my belly is unhappy post-chemo, so I am taking Colace and Pro-biotic and Mirlax 3 times a day, and still, my tummy is gurgling unhappily right now.

But- happily, I get to mark another day off the journey today... and I got to love my girls and my hubby another day... and I get to write and think and BE... and that is a good thing.

Off to another day... Love and good night.

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